Yasmin* was being subjected to domestic abuse by her husband. She reported the abuse to the police, who persuaded the husband to leave, however he returned to the property the next day. He then reported her to the police saying that, as the property was in his sole name, she had to leave. The police advised her to get in touch with FLOWS.
Our client knew that she and her children would not be safe if they remained in the property, so she left with their young children and the local authority placed them in temporary hotel accommodation. She and the children were distraught.
Our FLOWS adviser informed the client of her rights to the home and advised her to apply for a non-molestation order and occupation order through CourtNav.
As Yasmin was not eligible for legal aid, her case was allocated to a CourtNav adviser, who assisted her with her application to the courts as a litigant in person. We continued to help her through the court process by providing legal advice about what to expect from each court hearing and how to prepare for it.
The non-molestation order and occupation order were granted and she and her children were able to move back into their home, and take forward her divorce safe from abuse.
(*names and certain details have been changed)