Faduma's story
How our family legal advice helped Faduma
Faduma was a mother of three children. Faduma got married in 2005 in London and when her husband had severe Multiple Sclerosis he went to live with his parents in Eritrea. Faduma and her children went to visit the Husband in September 2017. Unfortunately, whilst in Eritrea Faduma and the children were ill-treated by the Husband and his family and the marriage broke down
Faduma obtained a divorce in Eritrea at her exhusband’s insistance as the Husband believed that he would be favoured in any subsequent financial proceedings, which was finalised in February 2018. However, it was ordered in Eritrea that the court could not deal with the property that the parties own in England and that this matter would have to be dealt with by the English Court.
Faduma returned to England with her children at the end of February 2018. Faduma felt content as she believed that her ex-husband could not start financial proceedings in regards to the house. However, Faduma has been informed that her ex-husband is appealing the decision in Eritrea that their court could not deal with the family home. This caused great concern and distress to Faduma as this is the home for her and her children. Faduma sought advice from our family legal service as she was not able to afford to pay for legal advice.
We advised Faduma about the procedure that she needed to to start financial proceedings within England following an overseas divorce. We gave Suma clear advice on the steps that she needed to take and provided her with the relevant court forms and advised Faduma to start the process asap as she is in a jurisdictional race against her ex-husband in Eritrea.
Faduma reported that her application was successful and the court had ordered that Faduma and the children could live in the home until the children left home.