Volunteering for us

We are a unique Citizens Advice service covering legal services in the Royal Courts of Justice and Central London Family Court and deliver Citizens Advice Islington. We are sorry, during this time where we are working remotely due to Covid-19 we aren't able to offer any volunteering opportunities. This is due to our not being able to induct, support or supervision the work.

During remote working due to Covid-19 the only volunteer opportunities we can offer are for qualified lawyers to join our civil rota or our family rota.

Volunteers on our core rotas deliver procedural legal advice to people who cannot afford a lawyer.

We ask qualified lawyers to sign up to either a morning session (10am - 1pm) or afternoon session (2pm- 5pm)

Our legal advice is delivered remotely by phone, or zoom. We triage potential clients and ensure their enquiry is relevant and any paper work is provided in advance.

If you, or your firm are interested in joining our rota please email admin@rcjadvice.org.uk and we will get in touch.