FLOWS - Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors
FLOWS – Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors is delivered by the Family Team of RCJ Advice, in partnership with Rights of Women. We can provide advice about the legal options available. Please contact us if you are a front line worker or if you are a domestic abuse survivor.
FLOWS is for organisations and the staff and volunteers that work in them, and for anyone who is a survivor of domestic abuse. If you are a member of the public wanting legal advice in relation to any other family legal matter please use our triage form which is on our family pages.
FLOWS delivers legal-advice resources for front-line professionals in Women’s Refuges, Women’s Aid organisations and organisations that provide safe environments to disclose abuse: for example, local Citizens Advice services, law clinics, and court-based services such as Support though Court as well as individual women.
FLOWS Consultancy is available daily 9am - 5pm on 0203 745 7707 or email flows@rcjadvice.org.uk
You can also use this link if you want help with completing a non-molestation order or occupation order. You will be set up with an online account. You can complete some easy to understand questions, ask our solicitors if you have any questions and then an accredited Domestic Abuse solicitor will check your form. If you are entitled to legal aid we will link you to a local legal advice firm and their staff will check your form and offer you further legal assistance.
Visit the FLOWS website for more information and a post code search map of accredited legal aid solicitor and organisations that can support women.
Use the postcode search below to quickly find accredited FLOWS services near you.
Flows Info For Partners Poster
pdf (300.83 KB)